Having a regulated nervous system is key to your physical & mental health

Learn tools to address chronic stress so you can live your fullest life from a place of peace.


You receive instant access to a previous class, as well as a new updated class with even more tools for self regulation to address both your mind and your body.


It's important to Remember...

Who you are by nature is not anxious or stressed. While we have been living in a world of increasingly fast-paced daily stress, we also carry years of stressful experiences and often significant trauma that may have been chronic and not fully addressed. Due to this our nervous system has been in over-drive and is doing it's best to compensate. 

When you feel overwhelmed or out of balance, you can learn tools that build over time, allowing you to feel present and align with your desires and goals. Life can feel lighter and you can feel more ease.

In this class I'll teach you:

Practices and techniques I have learned and used with clients over the last 20+ years to help. These practices address both your body and your mind as it's so important to bring all of you are back into balance.  

You can do these practices any time and it can help you create a powerful toolbox and self-care routine to help you through challenging times and situations so you can enjoy your life more and do what you came here to do.

At the end of this Masterclass you will achieve...

  • A reconnection with your sense of joy and fun through tapping into an inner sense of safety & grounding

  • Calm your central nervous system and find ways to ground yourself during times of stress and over-stimulation

  • Use these tools to help you step into your next level of success in work and at home, getting out of your own way and not sabotaging yourself with limiting beliefs.

  • Release overwhelm in your workload & important relationships

  • Learn how to quiet your mind so you can hear and listen to your gut instincts more clearly, allowing you to trust yourself more. Big (and small) decisions will feel much easier!

  • Tap into gratitude and joyful feelings for what is already present in your life and for what you are creating each day.

  • You will receive lifetime access to these materials

Sign up now for $111

BONUS Option to add VIP 1:1 Nervous System session at a special price!

About Dr. Maureen

I'm Maureen Magauran and I'm a Holistic Psychiatrist & Energy medicine practitioner.

For the last 20 years I've helped women shift from feeling stressed and anxious into a deeper connection with themselves and their strengths so they can step into their desires and power. I can help you reduce your anxiety by 50% through healing childhood trauma and boundary setting. I use multiple healing and empowerment modalities such as meditation, energy work, somatics & nervous system work, sexuality training, and embodiment work to help successful women find more peace and ease so you can enjoy your successes and your life. 


“Maureen provides such a warm and peaceful atmosphere. Through her guidance she allows whoever she works with to truly tune into themselves. Maureen combines her great knowledge of energy work with a kind and comforting atmosphere to create healing and expansion.””

Kristen Curtis

“I needed to hear this, and be reminded of it. I often put myself last and then have no energy left to take care of myself. I trust myself with everybody's best interest, except for my own far too often. The thing is I know I am intuitive but don't follow through with what I KNOW I should be doing. It may be that I am too tired, or freeze with indecision. I greatly appreciate Maureen’s time and the information she shares. Maureen has a soothing and gentle presence that makes me feel she really does have my best interest at heart.”

Anonymous Masterclass participant

“Thanks for your support and presence today💕, Maureen. You help provide clarity to my less-defined thoughts and experiences, and your care and patience provide encouragement as I grow more into myself”


“Beautifully sensitive, calming, insightful, and kind hardly scratch the surface of my recent session with Maureen. I recently suffered the loss of my father and I am so grateful to have Maureen’s guidance in this difficult time. Through gentle breathing exercise and guided meditation I was able to release a pit in my stomach I had carried for months. Maureen is soothing, intuitive, and tremendously respectful of your time and experience. ”


“THIS WOMAN'S WORK IS LIFE CHANGING! If you want to live in alignment with your purpose, find a sense of peace and calmness, and wake up excited to start your day, you must know Dr. Maureen Magauran!”

Casey Berglund

“Maureen cares deeply and her capacity for nurturing is very visible. She is very perceptive and has a deep level of self-awareness. Her openness, clarity and receptivity make it very easy to work with her.”


I'm so excited to have you join us! 

You'll learn a step by step process to feel re-balanced when you feel off, triggered or out of alignment. You'll feel more connected to your body and your own natural grounding. You'll create greater intimacy with your body's signals so moving forward you can naturally work with your nervous system's up and downs. You'll feel more calm and more deeply connected to your intuition.

Congratulations on taking this step for yourself!

Take a deep breath in and get excited for all you're about to learn!  

I can't wait to share this information with you!